We were honoured to be invited to exhibit at the GED’ School of Specialisation Festival together with Mohloli Maritime School of Specialisation. In line with our (i)RL (Inspire in real life) teaching approach, the festival focused on students showcasing their real-world solutions to various current challenges. Multiple areas of specialisation were represented by students and potential solutions to some of South Africa’s major challenges like pollution and the energy crisis were showcased.
Students were given the opportunity to test their ideas with various industry leaders. The Inspire Africa team gave students the opportunity to integrate various 4IR technologies like robotics, drones and 3D printing into their solutions.
The festival was attended by 22 schools of specialisation from across the province, most of which are located in previously disadvantaged communities. Areas of specialisation included Engineering, ICT, Maths and Science; Commerce and Entrepreneurship and Performing and Creative Arts.
The action-packed programme included the attendance of the Gauteng MEC of Education Mr Matome Chiloane. Participants were inspired by his speech, in which he emphasised the importance of education and the crucial role that educators play in the future of South Africa, regarding their continuous development and upskilling in new and relevant education methods and practices . Festivities were concluded with a prize-giving ceremony.